April 1, 2025

Coronavirus effect: Preparations underway to change the history of cricket

Coronavirus effect: Preparations underway to change the history of cricket

Natural methods have been used for years to maintain the glow of the ball in cricket, but now the deadly coronavirus is about to change history to prevent the epidemic infection. Flashing the ball with saliva or spit can now be banned, although there is no objection to the use of sweat. Due to the rising outbreak of Covid-19, cricket action has been halted across the globe. Now when the game resumes after some time, there will be a corona effect on it.

Kumble-led committee recommends ban on saliva
Anil Kumble feels Indian team boasts of world's best spinners

The Anil Kumble-led ICC Cricket Committee on Monday recommended a ban on using saliva to shine the ball in view of the Covid-19 epidemic. In Kumble’s perspective, saliva is used to shine a red ball and gain swing from it, but it is now seen as a health hazard.

No objections to the use of sweat

Anil Kumble-led committee was presenting its arguments to the ICC’s Medical Advisory Committee chairman Dr Peter Harcourt. After listening to the entire talk in the meeting, Doctor Peter also admitted that the virus is difficult to spread through sweat, but saliva and spitting on the ball will maintain the risk of infection. Covid-19 can spread through saliva, which is why it was unanimously recommended to ban the use of saliva to shine the ball. Along with this, the decision to maintain strict hygiene in and around the playground was also taken.

Local umpires get a chance to replace a non-neutral official

Another important issue discussed in the meeting was the re-appointment of non-neutral umpires in bilateral series for some time. The recommendations will be placed before the ICC for approval. The panel headed by Kumble wants the appointment of non-neutral match officials for international matches to be temporarily suspended. If there is no elite panel official in the country, local international panel match officials will be appointed.

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