Indian football team has been rising since the introduction of Indian Super League and its top run in Fifa rankings. Rising to 96th position is a huge positive for coach Stephen Constantine’s Indian team. But what are Indian Football problems and what is Indian football lacking?
Is Indian football culture in the right shape? Will India produce legendary players that will be an Integral part of any franchise team from Europe??
answer will certainly be “No” for now.
During Digital sporty’s recent trip to England, we met with an English club who trains some emerging juniors from the countries that are less frequentative and skilful in the sports of football. Fortunately we met two Indian players from Mumbai, Rashid (14) and Nitin(15). They emerged from a football talent hunt programe from India and now were training in England. We spend 2 weeks in the club and noticed some of the demerits which constitute to poor Indian football culture. Read: List of top 10 major sports leagues in the world.

Shyness has no room in a sports like football Indian football problems
There were players from other countries who were strong with their movements on the pitch, they didn’t hesitate to shout and yell at other players for the ball. If anyone was playing as a midfielder they would not hesitate to peak ahead when the attack was from their team. They were just craving for the ball and wanted to create an impact.Whereas,
The two Indian players were too hesitant to leave their position and missed the passes frequently. They had no practise of shouting at anyone for the ball and as a result they hardly received the ball. They were left standing ideally on the field like they were not playing the game.
2. Height and strength is not any necessity but still relates with the game.
While other players were above 5’5 inch at a mere age of 15, Indian players were a bit too short and as a result they were not regular at heading the ball. The sports demand body strength because of the push and hard tackles that the game offers. The other players were not too offended with those wild tackles or push, but Indian boys often appeared on the sideline recovering from pain, they suffered from push or tackles. It clearly indicates those Indians boys not being too strong. Push and wild tackles are integral part of modern football played at an even pace. To bear it, a player should persue some strength in themselves to tackle the situation, which was lacking in Indian boys. Indian football problems

3. Every country has their style of playing
People say that mental and physical toughness is necessary in football, well its right to some extent, but not to a greater extent. When Indian cricket was not doing well earlier, peoples criticized them for not being physically tough and fit. They pointed this reason for their poor run. But then Indian cricket developed their own skills and style and won the world cup. England have not won it till date and its the national sport of the country. In hockey, India discovered Indian dribbling skills and through this skill, they ruled the World hockey for long and now Indian dribbling is a basic in hockey. Indian football problems
Indian football practises European style of football with coach Stephen Constantine in charge. Though copying other style of play, wont be a long run investment for Indian football. Having a mixed style and mixed culture constituting to one unique skill, will transform Indian football.
4. India’s football culture is different from the world.
India qualified for 1950 FIFA world cup,but were not allowed to play because they played barefooted .
Indian football teams is surely on a rise, but imagine if India played that world cup of 1950. Many youngsters of that time would get influenced to take up the game and that continued culture could have resulted in a bright future for Indian football. If that would have been the case, Indian fans might have been waiting for FIFA world cup more than the cricket world cup. Because Indian players were barefooted that was not legal in FIFA’s conduct. As a result, they were not allowed to play the 1950 world cup. And no inspiration like Dhyanchand emerged in football at the time that kept the Peninsular country degrading in the premier sports. Indian football problems
5. Lack of infrastructure in Indian football
Those two young Indian lads were certainly not happy when their camp got over. They quoted “We again have to manage our football on bad pitches in India, wish we could stay in England and learn more from coach”.
This is certainly not a happening news for Indian football as loosing some of the bright prospect with the course of bad infrastructure is debatable. These youngsters tend to play for small clubs in Europe rather than the Indian national team. Financially, they are paid more than a member of Indian national team. The young Indian talents are bound to love the smooth and lush greeny football grounds, which India is lacking at present. They get magic-folded to those grounds and would certainly not want to come back to India. Where a normal slide on the ground can get some cuts and wounds.
Arguably the situations, coaching and infrastructure is changing in India. Many International stars play their football in the country. With the start of Indian Super League, grounds have served better for the players. And a big core group of players is always at stake for selection. With situations changing, the ray of bright light is shedding its true color on Indian football as the South Asian nation looks to create history. Indian football problems