March 31, 2025

Jeff Horn stuns Manny Pacquiao to become boxing champion.

Pacquiao stunned by Jeff Horn to become boxing champion.

Australia’s Jeff Horn who was formely a school teacher, defeated current world champion in the presence of 50,000 audience here in Sydney. He shocked the current world champion Manny Pacquiao of Philipiness to earn himself, WBO welterweight championshiop. He won this match on the basis of unanimous decision.

The 29 year old Horn was given 117-111, 115-113 , 115-113 points in the 12 rounds of marathon fight by the three judges. 38 year old Pacquiao is world champion in 8 categories and tagged as the one of the best this game has ever seen. Meanwhile, everyone was hoping that the man from Philipiness will be too good for the Australian. But it planned out to be different as Horn proved everyone wrong and defeated the current champion. Both boxers got drenched with blood from their head. But the former teacher’s punches were too heavy for Pacquiao to face. Read: Amateur & Pro boxing differences.


With this the chances of a Manny – Mayweather  match came to an end. Pacquiao had to defeat horn in order to box against the star boxer Mayweather yet again. Now Horn will face this American boxer.

and, first of all, also, another, furthermore, finally, in addition

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