In a bizarre turn of events, India’s HS Prannoy first round match against Canada’s Brian Yang was interrupted thanks to the leakage from the top of the arena. The water leakage was discovered in the 2nd game when the two players were engaged in a rally and the service judge noticed the leakage and the point didn’t get counted.
The umpire called the officials to inspect and the match was postponed and towels were kept on the spots of the court to counter the leakage. The match has been suspended for more than 2 hours as of now.
Match disrupted of HS Prannoy in Malaysia Open 2025 after water started leaking from the roof of the indoor stadium.
Imagine this happening in India 💀
— H G Tannhaus (@tannhaushg) January 7, 2025
Prannoy won the first game 21-12 in a convincing fashion and was leading 6-3 before water leakage halted the proceedings on court 3. Court 2 also had problems as officials were seen lugging in multiple towels to mop up the court. Chinese pair of Jia Yi Fan and Zhang Shu Xian led Malaysian pairing Go Pei Kee and Teoh Mei Xing 11-10 on that affected court at the 12th minute and the play has been halted since then.
There have been occasions when leakage has caused the play to be suspended but this will surely go down as the longest halt due to water leakage, making fans draw comparison between outdoor sports like cricket and tennis.