In a shocking move to the fans, Mesut Ozil announces retirement from International football. He got some racist remarks from the media and German football federation president citing him as the culprit for Germany’s shocking world cup exit in group stage.
It is clearly indicative that Ozil was not happy with the remarks made on him as he posted a long statement on twitter. He attacked the fans, media and German football President, who criticized him for decision to pose for a picture with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Ozil has his roots from Turkey.
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“It is with a heavy heart and after much consideration that because of recent events, I will no longer be playing for Germany at international level whilst I have this feeling of racism and disrespect,” he said on Twitter.
The past couple of weeks have given me time to reflect, and time to think over the events of the last few months. Consequently, I want to share my thoughts and feelings about what has happened.
— Mesut Özil (@MesutOzil1088) July 22, 2018
— Mesut Özil (@MesutOzil1088) July 22, 2018
— Mesut Özil (@MesutOzil1088) July 22, 2018
Ozil had earlier defended his decision to pose for a photograph with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in May which ignited questions about his loyalty to Germany’s squad ahead of the World Cup in Russia. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t had a great world cup and this became a reason why he became an easy target for the fans, media and German football President.
“Arguably the issue that has frustrated me the most over the past couple of months has been the mistreatment from the DFB, and in particular the DFB President Richard Grindel,” the Arsenal midfielder said.
Ozil claimed that the meeting with Turkish President was not a political one and he was just respecting the highest office of his family’s country(Turkey).
“My job is a football player and not a politician, and our meeting was not an endorsement of any policies,” Ozil added.
Ozil said earlier that he was true to both his Turkish and German origins and insisted he did not intend to make a political statement by appearing with Erdogan.
– ‘I have two hearts’ –
“Like many people, my ancestry traces back to more than one country. Whilst I grew up in Germany, my family background has its roots firmly based in Turkey,” he said.
“I have two hearts, one German and one Turkish.”
Ozil said that he was born in Germany and won 2014 world cup in Brazil for the country but, he is “still not accepted into society. I am treated as ‘different.’ “Is it because it is Turkey? Is it because I’m a Muslim?”
“The treatment I have received from the DFB and many others makes me no longer want to wear the German national team shirt.
“I feel unwanted and think that what I have achieved since my international debut in 2009 has been forgotten.”
Our take:
The statement clearly indicates that Ozil is upset with the nation and he might play for another nation in coming future. Maybe Turkey or maybe? Well the time will well