March 26, 2025
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Why a sportsperson or gym goer should not drink carbonated soft drinks

Why a sportsperson or gym goer should not drink carbonated soft drinks

Portugal skipper Cristiano Ronaldo sidelined the coca cola bottle kept on the table when he arrived for press conference post the group F match against Hungary at Budapest. Ronaldo followed it up with holding a bottle of water and said Portuguese word-Agua!”, appearing to encourage people to choose that instead. With this gesture from the Juventus star, Coca Cola has seen a $4bn fall in the share price.

At 36, Ronaldo looks fit and it seems he is retiring no where around. He is believed to keep himself away from carbonated drinks and keeps his children away from chocolate. This action by Ronaldo speaks volume that how carbonated drinks are worth ignorance for a professional athlete.

Why sports person should not consume carbonated drinks or cold drink

Carbonated drinks have their benefits as well, top athletes seem to love Coke, not just as a dinner drink but as a sports drink to provide a little fire during the last stages of a prolonged endurance competition. It provides calories which gives some energy to withstand and carbonated drinks are consumed by cyclist and many say that it work. However, we will bring to notice that why a sports athlete should not consume soft drink.

Soft drinks can cause bloating, abdominal pain, and gas. They also contain significant amounts of sodium, which draws water out of the body’s cells and can cause dehydration.

If you are an athlete, and someone who has to run every day, you have to stop drinking coke and Pepsi. Soft drink creates a lot of bad things in our body. Such as, if you drink a lot of coke or soda it makes you have yellow teeth plus, it makes your muscles weaker. Soda has a lot of sugar, one bottle contains 38 grams of sugar.

Weak muscles mean that you can’t power your shots in badminton, tennis, squash, table tennis and any other racquet sports. In games like football, hockey and rugby, you can’t speed up, in game like volleyball, you will not generate much power when you return the ball and in the games like cricket, you won’t be able to power your shots and everyone can’t be as wristy as VVS Laxman or you can’t even bowl fast.

Other problems

Because of the sugar content and artificial flavors (or sweeteners) that they use. Having too much fructose or sucrose taxes your liver and at some point you will impair that VERY important organ to the point where you won’t be able to detox or clean out the rest of your body efficiently.

For the ones who go to gym

If you are going to the gym and when you come back drained and take a sip of your favourite soft drink, trust us please drop this idea in the near future. It may feel refreshing but you are wasting your money. If you are fit and burning 280 calories a day in gym and then take a sip of soft drink and get 300 calories, you are only adding 20 calories per day and your journey from fit to fat is gonna start soon.

If you are fat and burning some calories in the gym, you will intake more calorie if you drink a soft drink so your journey from fat to BBP(big body person) gonna start very soon.

A 600ml bottle of soft drink has 250-400 calorie.

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